The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English-language content.
The SQDC doesn’t just sell, it guides. This means it focuses on customers and their needs, the better to support them, without encouraging use or purchase.
Our ambition: Provide personalized, accessible and effective guidance.
For us, it starts with the customer. We’re here for you, wherever you choose to shop. Questions, advice, discoveries—all you need to do is ask.
For us, it’s a given that people have different tastes. That’s why we provide options for a range of experiences and there’s always something new.
For us, the experience is key. Everything is clear and straightforward, from the moment you enter untill the moment you leave, and on our website too. It just works.
For us, the price has to be right.Whatever you purchase, we’ve struck the right balance between quality and price.