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Québec grown

A way of identifying Québec-grown cannabis products

The Québec grown identifier now makes it easy for you to know if a cannabis product is grown in Québec. The identifier appears on product sheets and mini product sheets in stores as well as on our website.

Québec grown

How to find Québec grown products?

1. Online

The identifier is always located in the upper left corner of the product photo. Click on a product to see its detailed product sheet. The quantities available are listed in the In-Store Availability section.

2. In stores

  • Look for the Québec grown identifier in the upper right corner of product sheets and the mini product sheets displayed under countertops.
  • You can also ask an advisor to tell you which of the store’s products are Québec grown products.

Remember to use the My Store function on the SQDC website to check the store’s inventory before heading off.

What is a Québec grown product?

To qualify for the Québec grown identifier, a product must be mostly (65%) made from Québec-grown cannabis. Suppliers must undertake in writing to comply with the Québec content requirement for each product entitled to use the identifier. They must also always be able to provide traceability data for each batch grown.

Please note that, at present, the Québec grown identifier is used only for the following product categories : dried flower, kief, ground flower, hash and pre-rolled. However, its use may eventually be extended to other product categories.