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Doing business with the SQDC

Cannabis suppliers 
Cannabis suppliers can email

*This document is a translation of the original French-language guide. In the event of any discrepancy between the two versions, the French-language version shall prevail.

Suppliers of goods and services
Suppliers of goods and services who want to register as SQDC suppliers can fill out the Supplier Registration Application and Supplier’s Business Lines (forms below) and email them to

Calls for tenders

Contract information

All notices, tender documents and adjudications are posted on the Système électronique d’appel d’offres (SEAO) website, which lists all public sector notices. Suppliers of goods and services interested in the SQDC’s calls for tenders can view the posted notices and download the related documents on the SEAO website.

Calls for tenders and awarded contracts

To search the notices posted by the SQDC, go to the home page of the SEAO website, click on ENGLISH and follow the instructions below.

Follow these steps:

  • Click on Advanced Search in the middle of the menu bar at the top of page.
  • Click on Buyers and choose the appropriate Category.
  • Click the yellow-orange Specify Buyers button.
  • Under Category, choose State corporations.
  • When the State corporations page is displayed, enter “cannabis” in the Name field.
  • Click the magnifying glass icon.
  • Check the Société québécoise du cannabis box.
  • Click on Select. You are taken back to the Advanced Search page.
  • Check the Société québécoise du cannabis – State corporation box.
  • Click the Search button at the bottom of the page.